[FFmpeg-user] error attempting 2 pass encoding using libx264

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sat Feb 9 21:32:05 CET 2013

Am 09.02.2013 21:26, schrieb Nathan Lewis:
> I'd be glad to test this, but I'm no exactly sure how to do this.  Do I
> just replace the code from this git commit:
> https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/commit/ccf9dd00da055e94117b56cead4af80ff331b00e
> with the code at the same location in ffmpeg_opts.c ?  Do I need to
> recompile afterward?
> Or if none of the above, could you point me to some resource so that I can
> learn the procedure?


you have to re-compile because if the source changes
it needs naturally a re-compile - how else should the
binary change?

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