[FFmpeg-user] Problem with reencoded videos.

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Tue Feb 5 10:28:59 CET 2013

Adam Klobukowski <adamklobukowski <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > Then I suggest you "tune" / "profile" your encoding
> > command to use less features that the screen does
> > not understand.
> >
> Any suggestions on what I should change?

Force constrained baseline and a low video bitrate.

> My best guess before was some kind of container 
> problem (because problem happens always around 
> 27m40s) but I do not know any tools to analyze that.

(I thought some files play longer?)

Did you already test with other software players 
(WMP, QT)?

Carl Eugen

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