[FFmpeg-user] Unsophisticated user has a question

Jeff Evarts riventree at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 16:42:40 CEST 2013

> From phil_rhodes at rocketmail.com  Sun Aug 11 18:56:23 2013
> From: phil_rhodes at rocketmail.com (Phil Rhodes)
> Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 09:56:23 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: [FFmpeg-user] Unsophisticated user has a question
> In-Reply-To: <5207B9CB.3080206 at thelounge.net>
> References: <CADaSsY2sQwNO1WPX40hjENxmJ4bqZD28UKUrxvAvnQB8JxrXTw at mail.gmail.com>
> 	<5207B9CB.3080206 at thelounge.net>
> Message-ID: <1376240183.9929.YahooMailNeo at web121102.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
> >> Can anyone explain the 4x size difference with the data there?
> >it is logical from MPEG3 to H264
> I suspect you meant MPEG2.
> But is this a situation where ffmpeg is intelligently picking a bitrate based on the characteristics of the video, or is it defaulting to a low bitrate, given the user hasn't specified one? In the latter case it may make sense for the the user to specify a higher bitrate.
> P
It appears I should've been more clear. If I am losing a large amount of
visual data, then this conversion is a bad plan. If I'm not, then the 4x
storage decrease would be a boon. It looks like the original bitrate was
5.2kb/s and the output bitrate was merely 1.3kb/s.

Is there some way for me to understand whether this is "a lot of loss and I
should keep the original" vs "no real loss and save the space".


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