[FFmpeg-user] Converting video to MP4 through pipes

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed Sep 26 11:49:24 CEST 2012

Thierry Florac <thierry.florac <at> onf.fr> writes:

> > > > Use either -frag_duration or -frag_size to allow writing 
> > > > mov (mp4) files to a pipe.
> > > 
> > > Thanks for the link.
> > > Do you have any idea about how to define correct values 
> > > for these parameters ??
> > 
> > Please define "correct values".
> Well... right !
> As I don't really understand what these settings are made for, I just
> don't know in what unit they should be given and can't imagine any
> significant values...

I would assume that frag_duration takes seconds and 
frag_size filesize (but I did not RTFM).

Please understand that mov generally does not allow 
writing files to a pipe, this is only a work-around.

Test it, if it works be happy!
(As said, it worked here in one test.)

Carl Eugen

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