[FFmpeg-user] Help me with multi input in a video

Emre Karataşoğlu letheea at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 08:29:01 CEST 2012

    Hello . I need help about two subject.
First of them is the syntax error in filter movie
. My aim is to join two stream in a video .
and with the overlay I can do two local video with ffmpeg
<!-- My code is -->
ffmpeg.exe -i 1a.avi -vf "[in] scale=iw/3:ih/3,
pad=3*iw+240:2*ih+220:200:100 [left]; movie=1c.avi,
like that . but when I try to replace 1c.avi with the rtsp://localhost ...
I got error 'unknown parameter '.

---> my seconde question is
- is it possible to 2x2 mosaic video show with ffmpeg ?
or which console tool I can succeed it ?
I couldnt use avis with videohub cause I didnt find any way to stream my
result .
IN ffmpeg
I can save or stream or convert my output .
I found that xuggle in java maybe do it but it is very hard the article
Please help me . Best Regards Emre K.

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