[FFmpeg-user] Question about concat protocol

Nicolas George nicolas.george at normalesup.org
Wed Oct 24 20:56:49 CEST 2012

L'octidi 28 vendémiaire, an CCXXI, Dennis Volodomanov a écrit :
> I finally had a chance to do this and it's almost working, but not quite...
> The problem is that (on the same files), if I use just "concat:"
> it's all ok, but if I use -filters_complex, the moment the stitch
> occurs, there's a tiny pause and then audio becomes a tiny bit out
> of synch. The second problem, is that it seems to eat up a lot more
> memory (well into 2GBs), while "concat" didn't seem to need that
> much. Memory aside, the synch issue is serious, but perhaps I'm
> doing something wrong.
> The command line (FFmpeg latest from git):
> ffmpeg.exe -i "file1.vob" -i "file2.vob" -i "file3.vob" -i
> "file4.vob" -c:v wmv2  -b:v 4288000  -r 29.97 -filter_complex "[0:v]
> setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [v0]; [0:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS [a0]; [1:v]
> setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [v1]; [1:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS [a1]; [2:v]
> setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [v2]; [2:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS [a2]; [3:v]
> setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [v3]; [3:a] asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS [a3]; [v0] [a0]
> [v1] [a1] [v2] [a2] [v3] [a3] concat=n=4:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]; [v] yadif,
> format=yuv420p [vs]" -map [vs]  -c:a wmav2  -b:a 192000  -ar 48000
> -ac 2  -map [a]  -f asf -async 1  -thread_type slice "out.wmv"

The command looks right. Can you use ffprobe -show_packets -show_frames to
show us the first few packets and frames of the files? More specifically,
for the first file where the desync happens, all packets until at least one
audio frame and one video frames have been dumped: that would help
understand what is going on.

As for the memory problem, do you have an idea about the rhythm it happens?
It gives the first inkling about the origin of the leak.


  Nicolas George
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