[FFmpeg-user] PTS/DTS errors while demuxng

Davor Josipovic davorj at live.com
Sat Oct 6 15:00:09 CEST 2012

When trying to demux (copy streams) a mkv file into video, audio and 
subs, with new ffmpeg-20121005-git-d9dfe9a-win32-shared my screen gets 
flooded with the following messages:

[matroska @ 02960060] st:0 PTS: 2178655 DTS: 2178655 < 2178662 invalid, 
[matroska @ 02960060] st:0 PTS: 2180352 DTS: 2180352 < 2180411 invalid, 
[matroska @ 02960060] st:0 PTS: 2180362 DTS: 2180362 < 2180411 invalid, 
[matroska @ 02960060] st:0 PTS: 2180372 DTS: 2180372 < 2180411 invalid, 
[matroska @ 02960060] st:0 PTS: 2180382 DTS: 2180382 < 2180411 invalid, 
[matroska @ 02960060] st:0 PTS: 2180392 DTS: 2180392 < 2180411 invalid, 

An older ffmpeg (ffmpeg-20120503-git-c1fe2db-win32-shared) would simply 

DTS 17813, next:17841000 st:1 invalid dropping
PTS 17813, next:17841000 invalid dropping st:1
[matroska @ 01a5f120] Application provided invalid, non monotonically 
increasing dts to muxer in stream 0: 17841 >= 17841
av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument

and exit.

Are these PTS/DTS warnings safe to ignore in the newer ffmpeg? The 
demuxed files seem to be OK.

I also don't understand the output. What is this third number which is 
higher that DTS and is causing these warnings? And what does ffmpeg do 
to resolve them in the output file?

PS mkvmerge is able to demux the file without problems.

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