[FFmpeg-user] Inverse Telecine (30fps to 24fps) targa sequence input

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu Nov 22 22:55:33 CET 2012

Derek Gebhart <derek <at> 4stroke.tv> writes:

> So, I have officially given up on the "mp=detc" filter :(

Too bad...
(I am still curious why it works fine here.)

> Instead, I've been messing around with the "mp=phase=U" filter.

Reading the original MPlayer submission, I suspect it is 
at least possible that the filter fails to correctly 
rearrange the progressive frames.
(I suspect this may happen for "dirty" input, it works fine 
here on the pretty high-quality video I used for testing.)

Carl Eugen

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