[FFmpeg-user] Multiple Seeks (-ss/-t) in one file

Nicolas George nicolas.george at normalesup.org
Tue Nov 20 21:24:55 CET 2012

L'octidi 28 brumaire, an CCXXI, Mr M a écrit :
> But I want separate files

Then there is no problem.

>			    but in a much more simple way than multiple
> -i, -vcodec, etc.

Copy-paste or shell variables are a very simple solution.

> Basically I want to cut multiple times but only have to do is one
> single command, so that if I have something that is like 14 hours, but
> I want 4 hours in random spots, I don't have to do 4 separate cuts
> with 4 separate commands.

What is the rationale for that requirement? It seems rather arbitrary.

> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 7:07 AM, Nicolas George
> <nicolas.george at normalesup.org> wrote:

Please do not top-post on this mailing-list.


  Nicolas George
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