[FFmpeg-user] Sometimes a lot of noise

Cecil Westerhof Cecil at decebal.nl
Wed May 30 00:52:49 CEST 2012

Op dinsdag 29 mei 2012 11:37 CEST schreef belcampo at zonnet.nl:

>> To record audio I use the following command:
>> ffmpeg -y \
>> -f oss \
>> -i /dev/dsp \
>> -ac 1 \
>> -ar 22050 \
>> -ab 64k \
>> dummy.ogg
>> The strange thing is that most of the time I have a good recording,
>> but sometimes the audio is faint and with a lot of white noise. (And
>> because of Murphy, this happens when I record a long audio.) Anybody
>> an idea why this happens? And what to do about it?
> Could it be that the 'white noise' problem hits you when the source is dolby
> 	or dts and there is no dolby/dts-decoder available in your ffmpeg version
> 	? Just a guess.

I do not think so. It is also the same source: a microphone. For
example: Monday I recorded something. The sound was faint, with a lot
of noise. I immediately made a new recording. (With the same
microphone. I removed it and put it back, but that should make no
difference, or should it?) That recording was correct again. So then
it should not be this problem I think.

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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