[FFmpeg-user] Problems Converting JPEG Image Files to MPEG Movie file

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed May 2 21:52:28 CEST 2012

Brent L. Bates <blbates <at> vigyan.com> writes:

> 	ffmpeg -i *.jpg out.mpeg

(Complete, uncut console output missing.)
Please try to imagine what the shell does with "*.jpg" and you 
will understand that this cannot work.
If your files are pic001.jpg - pic999.jpg use:
ffmpeg -i pic%3d.jpg
If they are named (completely) differently, you will have to 
use the new glob syntax, unfortunately, I don't know how it 
works (yet)...

> ffmpeg version is 0.6.5 

This is too old (apart from the fact that it produces the segfault 
you are seeing), please use current git head.

Carl Eugen

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