[FFmpeg-user] ffserver Error when streaming video

Mobility Lab mobilityrulezy3h at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 22:38:56 CEST 2012


So, I am trying to use ffserver to stream video retrieved from RTP via ffmpeg.
However, when I test the video with VLC, I never see any video, and the
terminal for ffserver shows a large number of lines like below.

Error writing frame to output
Too large number of skiped frames 13331376327

I don't know if it is related, but I also get a good number of the
following errors
in the ffmpeg instance that is feeding the ffserver.

[h264 @ 0x21e51a0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x21e51a0] Missing reference picture

Can anyone explain why I am getting either of these errors? I am testing on a
local wireless network, and the VLC and ffserver instances are on the same
linux machine.


P.S. Attached is my ffserver.conf
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