[FFmpeg-user] Need help converting videos for on-demand-streaming

bat guano batguano999 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 30 21:22:12 CEST 2012

> I tried that but the output is constant bitrate.


faac is a variable bit rate encoder.

I think that MediaInfo is mistaken - but I can't explain it.

>From "faac --long-help"
-q <quality>    Set default variable bitrate (VBR) quantizer quality in percent.
        (default: 100, averages at approx. 120 kbps VBR for a normal
        stereo input file with 16 bit and 44.1 kHz sample rate; max.
        value 500, min. 10).
-b <bitrate>    Set average bitrate (ABR) to approximately <bitrate> kbps.
        (max. value 152 kbps/stereo with a 16 kHz cutoff, can be raised
        with a higher -c setting).


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