[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg build - how build finds indevs

Da Rock ffmpeg-user at herveybayaustralia.com.au
Mon Mar 26 07:16:32 CEST 2012

I'm trying to get video4linux working in ffmpeg port on FreeBSD. I'm not 
getting many answers there, so I thought I'd enquire here.

When I run ffmpeg with -f video4linux I get unknown input format: 
video4linux. Same for v4l2.

In the build it only shows up 4 indevs: OSS, BKTR, and 2 others (sorry, 
lost the screen with it on) - but no video4linux(2).

In the configure script there is a disable indevs, but no enable.

What ritual do I have to perform to get this to work? Cut off a toe or 
something? Can anyone point me in the right direction here?


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