[FFmpeg-user] Problem building with OpenCV support

Rhodri James rhodri at kynesim.co.uk
Thu Jun 28 15:41:34 CEST 2012

On Thu, 28 Jun 2012 07:44:42 +0100, Misha Penkov <misha.penkov at gmail.com>  

> On 28 June 2012 15:12, Carl Eugen Hoyos <cehoyos at ag.or.at> wrote:
>> --extra-ldflags=-Wl,--no-as-needed
> Still no effect :(  The same error occurs.
> Did you notice the part in my previous email about replacing
> "-Wl,--as-needed" with "-Wl --as-needed" in the gcc command line?
> That seems to work, but I don't know how to get configure to use a
> space instead of a comma.

The comma is necessary.  To quote the relevant bit of the GCC manual:

      Pass OPTION as an option to the linker.  If OPTION contains
      commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.  You can
      use this syntax to pass an argument to the option.  For example,
      `-Wl,-Map,output.map' passes `-Map output.map' to the linker.
      When using the GNU linker, you can also get the same effect with

Rhodri James
Kynesim Ltd

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