[FFmpeg-user] Obtaining to mp4 files for HbbTV

Joan Roqué joanrq at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 10:22:19 CEST 2012

After regarding the ffmpeg manual (17.6
and googleing on that issue, I can answer myself now.
The problem was that some Set Top Boxes needs the Metadata allocated at the
beginning of the file =)
Thats why using qt-faststart or MP4Box resolves this problem.


2012/6/19 Joan Roqué <joanrq at gmail.com>:
> 2012/6/18 Roger Pack <rogerdpack2 at gmail.com>:
>>> I think it is mp41a or something like that. But i'll attach the output
>>> later.
>>> The problem it is that  i expected both solutions to be equivalent.
>>> Both systems should be equivalents isn't it?
>> So they both play fine in, say, VLC, but one doesn't play in HbbTV?
> Yes
> they are working with no problems with VLC, Firefox (with HbbTv addon)
> and some advanced HbbTV STB (like videolan), but in EN2000 (Engel STB)
> does not works and the problem it is that EN2000 is the best equipment
> to test, it is just HbbTV compliant but with antenna so it is better
> to use in a TV environment. Wideolan improves HbbTV with some other
> features. obviously Firefox (with HbbTV addon) or VLC far to be
> restrictive for testing HbbTV (but necessary for initial tests)
> I'm Using the following script which gives me three mp4 files
> the first one does not works
> ----------->
> #!/bin/bash
> for i in "$@"; do
>        # Alguns arxius no s'esborrarien si no es fa d'aquesta manera
>        ffmpeg -i "$i" -vn -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -ar 44100 -async 1 -y
> #       for k in 500k 1000k 1500k  2000k 2500k ; do
>        for k in 1500k ; do
>                rm "${i%.*}$k"v2.mp4
>                rm "${i%.*}$k"v3.mp4
> # ---> NO EN EN2000
>                ffmpeg -i "$i" -acodec libfaac -b:a 128k -ar 44100 -async
1 -vcodec
> libx264 -vf yadif=1:1 -profile:v high -level 3.1 -b:v "$k" -threads 2
> -y "${i%.*}$k".mp4
> # ---> SI
>                MP4Box -add "${i%.*}$k".mp4 -new "${i%.*}$k"v2.mp4
> # ---> SI
>                ffmpeg -i "$i" -an -vcodec libx264 -vf yadif=1:1
-profile:v high
> -level 3.1 -b:v "$k" -threads 2 -y "${i%.*}$k"v3.mp4
>                MP4Box -add "${i%.*}".m4a "${i%.*}$k"v3.mp4
>        done
> done
> <-----------------
> With this script the first mp4 file does not works at all, and the
> second ant third mp4's works with no problem
> I came here because it looks like if I miss something that MP4Box can
> easily arrange, and I would like to know how to debug it
> the original file it is an interlaced Top Field First .mpg file,
> that's why I'm using -vf yadif=1:1 (I don't know if its correct but it
> works better than before)
> What shalkl I send in that case the uncutted output?
> mediainfo (-fullinfo option) ?
> or there is another way to see the file information...
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