[FFmpeg-user] Video from image scattered output

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Fri Jun 8 18:52:17 CEST 2012

Murthy Avanithsa <avsn9849625263 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> ffmpeg -loop 1 -i 1.jpg -tune stillimage  -t 10  
> -r 29.97 -s 352x288  output.mpg

Unfortunately, I do not understand "scattered" in this context, 
and your output shows nothing unexpected, so I have to guess...

What is -tune stillimage supposed to do?
(I suspect it has no effect in your command line.)

Are you intentionally not specifying either a quantiser for 
constant quality (-qscale) or a bitrate (-vb)?
Does "scattered" mean bad quality? Then this would be the 

Carl Eugen

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