[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg libx264 encode for quicktime

James Hearon j_hearon at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 12 03:06:30 CEST 2012

Thank you.
Yep.  Seems -pix_fmt yuv420p is what quicktime needed.  I thought the input raw video, captured in i-movie and exported as 422 which is yuv422p10le, was all good now in ffmpegand no need to convert -pix_fmt.  Glad someone on the list could help me with this.   I really appreciate the help.
...will also include console output next time.

> Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 13:36:43 -0800
> From: lou at lrcd.com
> To: ffmpeg-user at ffmpeg.org
> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg libx264 encode for quicktime
> On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 17:49:32 +0000
> James Hearon <j_hearon at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,I'm new to this list.  Hoping i could get some help.
> Welcome to the list.
> > I have a recent build of ffmpeg (0.8.12) with libx264 (0.125.x) and am stuck trying to encode an h.264 file with .mov container to playback in quicktime.It plays back the audio fine, but the video is black.  The encoded file works fine in VLC, of course,but I need it to play back in quicktime, and I need a .mov container.
> > I'm using input as Apple 10bit, 720p, 422, raw in a .mov container, and trying to get out an h.264 file with the following parameters.Previous versions had problems with Apple 422, but that's all good now, and no need to change the 422 pix_fmt.
> Try adding "-pix_fmt yuv420p" as an output option. If you continue to
> have issues then follow this IRC discussion between starPause and JEEB
> starting at [00:19]:
> <http://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel-irc/2012-June/000741.html>
> > >ffmpeg -y -i input.mov -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 80k -vcodec libx264 -s 640x480 -b 670k -g 30 -r 15 output.mov
> You ffmpeg console output is missing. You should always include it with
> your command.
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