[FFmpeg-user] ProRes support for Linux

Andreas Gumm andreas.gumm at gmx.de
Wed Jan 25 19:09:55 CET 2012

I had good results with the following command lines:

*SD-sources 4:3*

  ffmpeg.exe -i "Input.avi" -vcodec prores -profile 2 -acodec pcm_s24be -vf
setdar=4:3 -f mov "Output.mov"
*SD-sources 16:9*

  ffmpeg.exe -i "Input.avi" -vcodec prores -profile 2 -acodec pcm_s24be -vf
setdar=16:9 -f mov "Output.mov"
HD sources (use -profile 3 for higher bitrate)*

  ffmpeg.exe -i "Input.avi" -vcodec prores -profile 3 -acodec pcm_s24be -vf
setdar=16:9 -f mov "Output.mov"
*-profile 0* = Apple ProRes Proxy
*-profile 1* = Apple ProRes LT
*-profile 2* = Apple ProRes 422 for SD (lower bitrate)
*-profile 3* = Apple ProRes HQ for HD (higher bitrate)

Try also FFmbc-0.7-rc5 fork!



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