[FFmpeg-user] dvbsub problem

Colin Rosenthal csr at statsbiblioteket.dk
Thu Feb 9 12:55:27 CET 2012

On 09-02-2012 12:25, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> Colin Rosenthal<csr<at>  statsbiblioteket.dk>  writes:
>>> Please provide command line and complete, uncut console output
>>> (and explain - again - what is wrong with the output file).
>> Are email attachments ok or would you prefer the output posted
>> in directly?
> We don't want to overburden our users, I found a sample and
> tested myself.
> The problem is probably related to ticket #531, -copyinkf does not
> work anymore (and only allowed to copy only subs anyway), feel free
> to add yourself to CC there (or find out how to force keyframes for
> subtitle streams).
> Carl Eugen

Maybe - but in #531 extraction of dvbsub worked ok. It was dvb-teletext 
that failed.

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