[FFmpeg-user] Segment format is not working - Output file #0 does not contain any stream
Carl Eugen Hoyos
cehoyos at ag.or.at
Fri Apr 6 00:48:47 CEST 2012
Vladimir Vlach <vladaman <at> gmail.com> writes:
> ./ffmpeg -v 9 -loglevel 99 -re -i test.flv -an -vcodec libx264 -b:v
> 128k -vpre ipod320 -f segment -segment_format mpegts -segment_time 10
> -segment_list test.m3u8 'test%05d.ts'
> reports this:
> Output file #0 does not contain any stream
Complete, uncut console output missing.
Is the problem also reproducible without x264?
Carl Eugen
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