[FFmpeg-user] Help to find correct command line parameters

Отдел ИТ it at ispb.info
Fri Oct 28 12:49:32 CEST 2011


I have a problem with demuxing list of images to one AVI/MPG file for 
bacause of quality of output file.

I used your documentation to compile a list of equal jpg files (file and 
my command line in attach). But quality of output video in result is 
very low.
Show me please, what parameters I shood use, to produce maximum quality 
(720p or 704x576) video file (may contain black areas as result of 
resize jpg's), without of audio, with 6 images in second, while 
framerate is 25 or 30 fps.

Best regards,
Nikita Tratorov
IT dep

City Tourist Information Centre
St.Petersburg, Russia
+7 812 310 28 22

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