[FFmpeg-user] generate blank/black frame sequence?

Andy Civil andycivil at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 04:08:09 CEST 2011

On 2011-10-08 9:21 PM, Video Work wrote:
> How do you use ffmpeg to create blank/black background video and mux it with an
> audio track?
> I guess it is possible to use ImageMagick or something like that to generate a
> bunch of black rectangle jpegs, and then assemble them into a video, as frames?
> thanks in advance!

I'm just "thinking out loud" here, but I wonder if you could combine Mark 
Himsley's post of 2:17 today (to combine video and audio) and then use any old 
random video, but use the 'pad' filter to move the video off the screen. The pad 
filter takes string colours e.g. "black" or hex values, check the manual:
so you could in theory make your entire frame padding. Unfortunately, I didn't 
check whether it crashes out if none of the input video is on the output - 
that's why I say I'm thinking out loud...


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