[FFmpeg-user] Encode lossless Dirac?

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Tue Nov 22 12:03:52 CET 2011

Peter B. <pb <at> das-werkstatt.com> writes:

> [quote]
> 1.0.5
> [/quote]
> I've now compiled ffmpeg's current git-version with libschroedinger
> 1.0.9 on Debian Squeeze, because libschroedinger v1.0.10 on Lenny
> required ORC > 0.4.10 (so I gave up).

As said, 1.0.7 is sufficient.

> Interestingly, with libdirac (pkgconfig --modversion: 1.0.0), "-qscale
> 0" works, but on Squeeze with libdirac (pkgconfig --modversion: 1.0.2),
> it doesn't work anymore.

I don't know much about dirac, but I believe the recommended encoder is
libschroedinger (isn't libdirac deprecated?).

Carl Eugen

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