[FFmpeg-user] Piping realtime data to drawtext filter?

Stefano Sabatini stefano.sabatini-lala at poste.it
Mon May 16 16:18:58 CEST 2011

On date Monday 2011-05-16 12:37:00 +0100, Sebastian Arcus encoded:
> I would like to overlay on footage recorded from a usb webcam data
> acquired in realtime from a GPS receiver. I'm mainly interested in
> current vehicle speed. Drawtext takes static text on the command
> line - the only bit of realtime data it can display is the date.
> Is there any way to feed it constantly updating data, such as data
> coming from my gps receiver through gpsd?

You may need a separate filter for that, and build a specific text
overlay on top of that.

Even better, the filter may inject metadata in frame and let the
drawtext filter access it (but this involves a lot of changes in the
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