[FFmpeg-user] mjpeg decoding problem

Vincent,Wei weikun0905 at gmail.com
Wed May 11 10:56:03 CEST 2011

      As I know, the avi file format is use the CODEC_ID_MPEG4 as the codec,
so this may not support the MJPEG, you may
try the MPEG4 stream , or you can edit ffmpeg.c to change the codec type
,and rebuild the ffmpeg.

      AVOutputFormat avi_muxer = {
    "avi format",
    .codec_tag= (const AVCodecTag*[]){codec_bmp_tags, codec_wav_tags, 0},
2011/5/11 <Umair.Khan at uni-klu.ac.at>

> Hi,
> I am streaming MJPEG stream from an IP camera over RTSP. The stream runs
> fine in VLC but when I try to stream with FFMPEG, it gives following error:
> "mjpeg: unsupported coding type"
> I am using following command to record a video from the camera:
> ffmpeg -i rtsp://
> -vcodec
> mjpeg sample.avi
> Can anyone please tell me the solution of this issue? I have spent many
> days to resolve it, but to no avail. I will really appreciate any help in
> this regard.
> Regards,
> Dipl.-Ing. Umair Ali Khan
> Research Staff Member,
> Pervasive Computing Group
> Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems
> Klagenfurt University, Austria
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