[FFmpeg-user] flv unsupported codec

Tomasz Góral tomek at at-net.com.pl
Wed Jun 22 14:23:23 CEST 2011

W dniu 2011-06-22 13:08, Reindl Harald pisze:
> Am 22.06.2011 08:42, schrieb Tomasz Góral:
>> I created flv, but ffmpeg cannot read, return unsupported codec
> why do you not post your whole input and output?
> what ffmpeg-build?
> what you have done is telling us that you are unhappy but not really
> interested in anyones help but you feel better now
Ok, start from the beginning:

I wrote a video mixer applications, then ffmpeg get raw date, compresses 
data and sent to the server ffserver.

And at the very beginning sent to ffmpeg audio samples are only a few 
seconds the video samples.

If first sent video samples, then ffplay, VLC, VirtualDub and other 
players can play the file, but if the first audio sample of the 
aforementioned players, then inform the codec is not supported, and the 
JW Player can play the file smoothly.

It does not depend on the configuration of ffmpeg (I use version under 
windows and linux), it depends solely on the arrangement of data.

Tomasz Góral
Tel. +48 509 288 840

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