[FFmpeg-user] Is there any way to hide the configure command options?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Dec 6 20:54:04 CET 2011

Am 06.12.2011 20:31, schrieb Roger Pack:
>> I prefer that the configure options are shown by default. Seeing the
>> configure options is useful when helping users in #ffmpeg/mailing
>> list/trac.
> True.  Though I guess it scares non techy people, they won't be using
> ffmpeg anyway, right?

if someone is scared about informations and will not using software
because it does not hide it nobody can help him - not all people are
dump and the current development-road assume taht they are in many
projects should be left better today than tomorrow

the only thing you achive with such demands is that you get finally
more and more dumb users all over the world because they did not
learn it better

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