[FFmpeg-user] sws_scale problem from BGRA to YUV420P

Julen Garcia jgarcia at vicomtech.org
Tue Apr 19 17:51:14 CEST 2011

I get bad results transcoding from a 32bit BGRA image to libx264's
YUV420P format using this command:

ffmpeg -vstats -benchmark -f image2 -i "input0.png" -vf "format=bgra"
-vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -crf 22 -b 10000k -threads 0

However if I use a 24bit BGR image the result is ok

ffmpeg -vstats -benchmark -f image2 -i "input1.png" -vf "format=bgr24"
-vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -crf 22 -b 10000k -threads 0

I'm using one of the latest git version, exactly
"ffmpeg-git-a304071-win64-shared" from here:

In an older version, "r22941" both commands uset to work fine.

Thank you!

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