[FFmpeg-soc] segmenter Error : 32bit rollover in MPEG

김동규 kdk at imbc.co.kr
Tue Apr 27 10:59:06 CEST 2010

I use an ffmpeg base segmenter application:


    The segmenter working fine, but I have a problem with an ffmpeg feature

    The input stream (mpeg2ts) contains pts and dts information. These are


    but after 26 hours running, the ffmpeg reaches the 2exp33 limitation, and

    the timestamp restart (33 bit rollover in MPEG). At this point the

    segmenter stopped working with the "non monotone timestamp" error messages. When I

    restart the segmenter, everything works fine again - up to 26 hours-.

    My question is, how can I solve this situation in the code of the


    How can I do that?



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