[FFmpeg-soc] libavfilter audio work - qualification task

S.N. Hemanth Meenakshisundaram smeenaks at ucsd.edu
Fri Apr 23 02:19:16 CEST 2010

On 04/21/2010 03:35 PM, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
> [...]
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Attached is the vf_drawtext.c and changes to libavfilter.texi (both are 
patches against libavfilter soc like you asked for)

Following is the list of changes :

1. Using a single context structure now. Descriptive variable names.

2. Input parameters also are descriptive now, but sometimes different 
from the corresponding context variable where the context variable name 
is too long.

3. Using macro instead of function to parse libfreetype messages now.

4. Changed warning messages to AV_LOG_WARNINGS.

4. User now needs to provide only one of text or file, if both are given 
then file is used.

5. Made color string to YUV conversion separate function called for both 
fg and bg color.

6. Alignments, indents, description of filter and redundant '!='s fixed.

7. Reading file only once now in init.

8. Using re-entrant localtime_r now.

9. The documentation now uses $var{x} instead of ``x''. Made these 
changes throughout the libavfilter doc, not just drawtext. Is that ok?

10. Updated documentation with new parameter names, strftime behavior 
and the file/text requirement.

As for the alpha channel support in drawbox function, do we need to 
update the alpha values? Should the caller be allowed to specify bgcolor 
or fgcolor in #RRGGBBAA format?

Please review and let me know if there's anything else that needs to be 

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