[FFmpeg-soc] [soc]: r2592 - in aacenc: aacenc.c aacpsy.c aacpsy.h

kostya subversion at mplayerhq.hu
Mon Jun 30 08:42:09 CEST 2008

Author: kostya
Date: Mon Jun 30 08:42:09 2008
New Revision: 2592

'Real' psychoacoustic model based on 3GPP TS26.403.
It's not complete yet but at least it can do something
and encode close to specified bitrate.


Modified: aacenc/aacenc.c
--- aacenc/aacenc.c	(original)
+++ aacenc/aacenc.c	Mon Jun 30 08:42:09 2008
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ static int aac_encode_init(AVCodecContex
     ff_kbd_window_init(s->kbd_long_1024, 4.0, 1024);
     ff_kbd_window_init(s->kbd_short_128, 6.0, 128);
-    ff_aac_psy_init(&s->psy, avctx, AAC_PSY_NULL, 0, s->swb_sizes1024, s->swb_num1024, s->swb_sizes128, s->swb_num128);
+    ff_aac_psy_init(&s->psy, avctx, AAC_PSY_3GPP, 0, s->swb_sizes1024, s->swb_num1024, s->swb_sizes128, s->swb_num128);
     avctx->extradata = av_malloc(2);
     avctx->extradata_size = 2;

Modified: aacenc/aacpsy.c
--- aacenc/aacpsy.c	(original)
+++ aacenc/aacpsy.c	Mon Jun 30 08:42:09 2008
@@ -232,6 +232,259 @@ static void psy_null8_process(AACPsyCont
+ * constants for 3GPP AAC psychoacoustic model
+ * @{
+ */
+#define PSY_3GPP_C1 3.0f                    // log2(8.0)
+#define PSY_3GPP_C2 1.32192809488736234787f // log2(2.5)
+#define PSY_3GPP_C3 0.55935730170421255071f // 1 - C2/C1
+ * @}
+ */
+ * information for single band used by 3GPP TS26.403-inspired psychoacoustic model
+ */
+typedef struct Psy3gppBand{
+    float energy;    ///< band energy
+    float ffac;      ///< form factor
+    float thr;       ///< energy threshold
+    float pe;        ///< perceptual entropy
+    float a;         ///< constant part in perceptual entropy
+    float b;         ///< variable part in perceptual entropy
+    float nl;        ///< predicted number of lines left after quantization
+ * 3GPP TS26.403-inspired psychoacoustic model specific data
+ */
+typedef struct Psy3gppContext{
+    float       barks [1024];
+    Psy3gppBand band[2][128];
+    float       sfb_pe[2][128];
+    int         reservoir;
+    int         avg_bits;
+    float       a[2];
+    float       b[2];
+    float       thr[2];
+ * Calculate Bark value for given line.
+ */
+static inline float calc_bark(float f)
+    return 13.3f * atanf(0.00076f * f) + 3.5f * atanf((f / 7500.0f) * (f / 7500.0f));
+static int psy_3gpp_init(AACPsyContext *apc)
+    Psy3gppContext *pctx;
+    int i;
+    apc->model_priv_data = av_mallocz(sizeof(Psy3gppContext));
+    pctx = (Psy3gppContext*) apc->model_priv_data;
+    for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
+        pctx->barks[i] = calc_bark(i * apc->avctx->sample_rate / 2048.0);
+    pctx->avg_bits = apc->avctx->bit_rate * 1024 / apc->avctx->sample_rate;
+    return 0;
+ * Tell encoder which window types to use.
+ * @see 3GPP TS26.403 5.4.1
+ */
+static void psy_3gpp_window(AACPsyContext *apc, int16_t *audio, int channel, cpe_struct *cpe)
+    int ch;
+//XXX: stub, because encoder does not support long to short window transition yet :(
+    for(ch = 0; ch < apc->avctx->channels; ch++){
+        cpe->ch[ch].ics.window_sequence = ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE;
+        cpe->ch[ch].ics.window_shape = 1;
+        cpe->ch[ch].ics.num_windows = 1;
+        cpe->ch[ch].ics.swb_sizes = apc->bands1024;
+        cpe->ch[ch].ics.num_swb = apc->num_bands1024;
+        cpe->ch[ch].ics.group_len[0] = 0;
+    }
+    cpe->common_window = cpe->ch[0].ics.window_shape == cpe->ch[1].ics.window_shape;
+ * Modify threshold by adding some value in loudness domain.
+ * @see 3GPP TS26.403
+ */
+static inline float modify_thr(float thr, float r){
+    float t;
+    t = pow(thr, 0.25) + r;
+    return t*t*t*t;
+ * Determine scalefactors and prepare coefficients for encoding.
+ * @see 3GPP TS26.403 5.4
+ */
+static void psy_3gpp_process(AACPsyContext *apc, int16_t *audio, int channel, cpe_struct *cpe)
+    int start, sum, maxsfb;
+    int ch, g, i;
+    int prev_scale;
+    Psy3gppContext *pctx = (Psy3gppContext*) apc->model_priv_data;
+    float stereo_att, pe_target;
+    int bits_avail;
+    //calculate and apply stereo attenuation factor - 5.2
+    if(apc->avctx->channels > 1){
+        float l, r;
+        stereo_att = 1.0 / 2.0; //XXX: find some way to determine it
+        for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++){
+            l = cpe->ch[0].coeffs[i];
+            r = cpe->ch[1].coeffs[i];
+            cpe->ch[0].coeffs[i] = (0.5 + stereo_att) * l + (0.5 - stereo_att) * r;
+            cpe->ch[1].coeffs[i] = (0.5 - stereo_att) * l + (0.5 + stereo_att) * r;
+        }
+    }
+    //calculate energies, initial thresholds and related values - 5.4.2
+    memset(pctx->band, 0, sizeof(pctx->band));
+    for(ch = 0; ch < apc->avctx->channels; ch++){
+        start = 0;
+        cpe->ch[ch].gain = 0;
+        for(g = 0; g < apc->num_bands1024; g++){
+            for(i = 0; i < apc->bands1024[g]; i++)
+                pctx->band[ch][g].energy +=  cpe->ch[ch].coeffs[start+i] *  cpe->ch[ch].coeffs[start+i];
+            pctx->band[ch][g].energy *= 1048576.0;
+            pctx->band[ch][g].thr = pctx->band[ch][g].energy * 0.001258925f;
+            start += apc->bands1024[g];
+            if(pctx->band[ch][g].energy > pctx->band[ch][g].thr){
+                float ffac = 0.0;
+                for(i = 0; i < apc->bands1024[g]; i++)
+                    ffac += sqrt(FFABS(cpe->ch[ch].coeffs[start+i]));
+                pctx->band[ch][g].ffac = ffac * 32.0;
+                pctx->band[ch][g].nl = pctx->band[ch][g].ffac / pow(pctx->band[ch][g].energy/apc->bands1024[g], 0.25);
+                if(pctx->band[ch][g].energy / pctx->band[ch][g].thr >= 8.0){
+                    pctx->band[ch][g].a = pctx->band[ch][g].nl * log2(pctx->band[ch][g].energy);
+                    pctx->band[ch][g].b = pctx->band[ch][g].nl;
+                }else{
+                    pctx->band[ch][g].a = pctx->band[ch][g].nl * (PSY_3GPP_C2 + PSY_3GPP_C3 * log2(pctx->band[ch][g].energy));
+                    pctx->band[ch][g].b = pctx->band[ch][g].nl * PSY_3GPP_C3;
+                }
+                pctx->sfb_pe[ch][g] = pctx->band[ch][g].a - pctx->band[ch][g].b * log2(pctx->band[ch][g].thr);
+                cpe->ch[ch].zeroes[0][g] = 0;
+            }else{
+                cpe->ch[ch].zeroes[0][g] = 1;
+            }
+            pctx->a[ch]   += pctx->band[ch][g].a;
+            pctx->b[ch]   += pctx->band[ch][g].b;
+            pctx->thr[ch] += pctx->band[ch][g].thr;
+        }
+        pctx->a[ch]   /= 1024.0f;
+        pctx->b[ch]   /= 1024.0f;
+        pctx->thr[ch] /= 1024.0f;
+    }
+    //modify thresholds - spread, threshold in quiet - 5.4.3
+    //TODO
+    // M/S detection - 5.5.2
+    if(apc->avctx->channels > 1 && cpe->common_window){
+        start = 0;
+        for(g = 0; g < cpe->ch[0].ics.num_swb; g++){
+            double en_m = 0.0, en_s = 0.0, l1;
+            float m, s;
+            cpe->ms.mask[0][g] = 0;
+            if(pctx->band[0][g].energy + pctx->band[1][g].energy == 0.0)
+                continue;
+            for(i = 0; i < cpe->ch[0].ics.swb_sizes[g]; i++){
+                m = (cpe->ch[0].coeffs[start+i] + cpe->ch[1].coeffs[start+i]) / 2.0;
+                s = (cpe->ch[0].coeffs[start+i] - cpe->ch[1].coeffs[start+i]) / 2.0;
+                en_m += m*m;
+                en_s += s*s;
+            }
+            l1 = FFMIN(pctx->band[0][g].thr, pctx->band[1][g].thr);
+            l1 = l1*l1 / (en_m + en_s);
+            if(l1 >= (pctx->band[0][g].thr * pctx->band[1][g].thr / (pctx->band[0][g].energy + pctx->band[1][g].energy)))
+                cpe->ms.mask[0][g] = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    //bitrate reduction - 5.6.1
+    //TODO: add more that first step estimation
+    pctx->reservoir += pctx->avg_bits - apc->avctx->frame_bits;
+    bits_avail = pctx->avg_bits + pctx->reservoir;
+    pe_target = 1.18f * bits_avail / apc->avctx->channels / 1024.0f;
+    for(ch = 0; ch < apc->avctx->channels; ch++){
+        float t0, pe, r;
+        if(pctx->b[ch] == 0.0f) continue;
+        pe = pctx->a[ch] - pctx->b[ch] * 4.0f * log2(pow(pctx->thr[ch]/cpe->ch[ch].ics.num_swb, 0.25));
+        t0 = pow(2.0, (pctx->a[ch] - pe)        / (4.0 * pctx->b[ch]));
+        r  = pow(2.0, (pctx->a[ch] - pe_target) / (4.0 * pctx->b[ch])) - t0;
+        //add correction factor to thresholds
+        for(g = 0; g < apc->num_bands1024; g++)
+            pctx->band[ch][g].thr = modify_thr(pctx->band[ch][g].thr, r);
+    }
+    //determine scalefactors - 5.6.2
+    //TODO: quantization optimization, scalefactor difference reduction
+    for(ch = 0; ch < apc->avctx->channels; ch++){
+        prev_scale = -1;
+        cpe->ch[ch].gain = SCALE_ONE_POS;
+        for(g = 0; g < apc->num_bands1024; g++){
+            if(cpe->ch[ch].zeroes[0][g]) continue;
+            //spec gives constant for lg() but we scaled it for log2()
+            cpe->ch[ch].sf_idx[0][g] = (int)(2.66667 * (log2(6.75*pctx->band[ch][g].thr) - log2(pctx->band[ch][g].ffac)));
+            cpe->ch[ch].sf_idx[0][g] = av_clip(cpe->ch[ch].sf_idx[0][g], 0, 255);
+            if(prev_scale != -1)
+                cpe->ch[ch].sf_idx[0][g] = av_clip(cpe->ch[ch].sf_idx[0][g], prev_scale - SCALE_MAX_DIFF, prev_scale + SCALE_MAX_DIFF);
+            else
+                cpe->ch[ch].gain = cpe->ch[ch].sf_idx[0][g];
+            prev_scale = cpe->ch[ch].sf_idx[0][g];
+        }
+    }
+    for(ch = 0; ch < apc->avctx->channels; ch++){
+        start = 0;
+        cpe->ch[ch].pulse.present = 0;
+        for(g = 0; g < apc->num_bands1024; g++){
+            sum = 0;
+            //apply M/S
+            if(!ch && cpe->ms.mask[0][g]){
+                for(i = 0; i < apc->bands1024[g]; i++){
+                    cpe->ch[0].coeffs[start+i] = (cpe->ch[0].coeffs[start+i] + cpe->ch[1].coeffs[start+i]) / 2.0;
+                    cpe->ch[1].coeffs[start+i] =  cpe->ch[0].coeffs[start+i] - cpe->ch[1].coeffs[start+i];
+                }
+            }
+            if(cpe->ch[ch].sf_idx[0][g])
+                sum = convert_coeffs(cpe->ch[ch].coeffs + start, cpe->ch[ch].icoefs + start, apc->bands1024[g], cpe->ch[ch].sf_idx[0][g]);
+            cpe->ch[ch].zeroes[0][g] = !sum;
+            start += apc->bands1024[g];
+        }
+        for(maxsfb = apc->num_bands1024; maxsfb > 0 && cpe->ch[ch].zeroes[0][maxsfb-1]; maxsfb--);
+        cpe->ch[ch].ics.max_sfb = maxsfb;
+    }
+    if(apc->avctx->channels > 1 && cpe->common_window){
+        int msc = 0;
+        cpe->ch[0].ics.max_sfb = FFMAX(cpe->ch[0].ics.max_sfb, cpe->ch[1].ics.max_sfb);
+        cpe->ch[1].ics.max_sfb = cpe->ch[0].ics.max_sfb;
+        for(i = 0; i < cpe->ch[0].ics.max_sfb; i++)
+            if(cpe->ms.mask[0][i]) msc++;
+        if(msc == 0 || cpe->ch[0].ics.max_sfb == 0) cpe->ms.present = 0;
+        else cpe->ms.present = msc < cpe->ch[0].ics.max_sfb ? 1 : 2;
+    }
+static void psy_3gpp_end(AACPsyContext *apc)
+    av_freep(&apc->model_priv_data);
 static const AACPsyModel psy_models[AAC_NB_PSY_MODELS] =
@@ -248,6 +501,13 @@ static const AACPsyModel psy_models[AAC_
+    {
+       "3GPP TS 26.403-inspired model",
+        psy_3gpp_init,
+        psy_3gpp_window,
+        psy_3gpp_process,
+        psy_3gpp_end,
+    },
 int ff_aac_psy_init(AACPsyContext *ctx, AVCodecContext *avctx, int model, int flags,

Modified: aacenc/aacpsy.h
--- aacenc/aacpsy.h	(original)
+++ aacenc/aacpsy.h	Mon Jun 30 08:42:09 2008
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 enum AACPsyModelType{
     AAC_PSY_NULL,              // do nothing on frequencies
     AAC_PSY_NULL8,             // do nothing on frequencies but work with short windows
+    AAC_PSY_3GPP,              // model following recommendations from 3GPP TS 26.403

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