[FFmpeg-soc] ffmpeg + libavfilter + vhook (imlib2.so) yet prescale problem

dmitry at conft.org dmitry at conft.org
Wed Jun 18 13:38:16 CEST 2008


I am running a problem with different source resolution movies scaled to
defined resolution on convertation (320:240), the logo overlay applied by
the vhook filter scaled with the movie and not after which makes it
sometimes bigger and sometimes smaller than the original (jpeg/png) sizes.

I have read on the mailing lists a suggestion to scale with libavifilter
(-vfilters scale=320:240) instead using the classic -s flag, but the results
are the same.

Afterwards I saw a post of Victor about using libavfilter also as a logo
filter applier and using steps. 

But I can find the correct syntax for it. As there is no detailed
documentation for it still.


Any advices or workarounds?


The command which I am using currently is:

FFMPEG  -i  SRCFILE -acodec libmp3lame -ab 64 -ar 22050 -vfilters
scale=320:240 -g 50 -qblur 1 -b 800000 -r 25 -vhook 'IMLIB2.SO  -x W-w -y


Dmitry Sherman C.E.O

INTERHOST - Network Solutions

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