[FFmpeg-devel] Discussion about mails from 9 years ago Was: [PATCH 1/2] doc/community: Add a standard set of rules for software development mailing lists

compn ff at hawaiiantel.net
Mon Nov 25 23:09:41 EET 2024

On Mon, 25 Nov 2024 20:15:58 +0200
Rémi Denis-Courmont <remi at remlab.net> wrote:

> Le sunnuntaina 24. marraskuuta 2024, 22.51.08 EET compn a écrit :
> > a non-ff developer at vdd said i was "inactive for years".  
> FWIW, while I do recall people criticising your answers in the FFmeg meeting, 
> I don't recall any statement to the effect that _you_ were inactive for years.

inactive message was not said at vdd, but in a private mail later on.
inactive message is also unrelated to why i reported this person, since
it was said in private.

> > it makes me not want to visit vdd again.  
> So just one attendee maybe said something wrong at a conference, and now 
> you're blaming it on the organisers?

you're not close to figuring out why i specifically blame the

> > i reported them to the videolan board, but the videolan board never even
> > bothered to reply to my mail.  
> The VDD CoC does not forbid lying or (more likely) making incorrect 
> statements. I'm not sure what you are expecting the board to do about it, but 
> if you feel that you have a cause for complaint, you should mail asso at v.o, not 
> just the board.

where is asso@ documented? who is on the videolan code of conduct
enforcement team? what are the rules if one of the board members has a
complaint filed against them? do they get to decide their own complaint?

i made a valid complaint to the board/organizers of vdd to something
that happened at vdd. i quoted from the shared values and code of
conduct rules. and explained how the persons comments to me at vdd
broke said rules and shared values.

i sent my valid complaint to the organizers of vdd , as listed on the
vdd24 wiki. 
https://wiki.videolan.org/VDD24/ , which is the board at vo email.

i read the shared values page and code of conduct wiki, but neither of
them have any contact information on where to report a violation of the
code of conduct. if theres a videolan code of conduct email or
reporting information page , i cant find it.


>You clearly don't know the history and innards of VideoLAN very well, yet you 
>feel entitled to disparage the organisation here. 

ffmpeg code of conduct page has an actual contact email, with
responsive code of conduct members responding to complaints within a day
or two. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

cheers remi

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