[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] infrastructure documentation

compn ff at hawaiiantel.net
Tue Nov 19 05:18:52 EET 2024

On Sat, 16 Nov 2024 10:12:13 -1000
compn <ff at hawaiiantel.net> wrote:

> Here is a list of things people want documented. gathered from
> previous emails and memories:
> 1. Complete list of infrastructure
> 2. where servers are hosted (see infra.txt, our Telepoint.bg host)
> 3. who has what access (physical and remote/software).
> 4. Who owns avcodec.org? Who runs these DNS servers? Who has access?
> Who has contacts?
> 5. info on backup storage of mailing lists, servers, git repos etc
> 6. document the release tarball checksum script in docs/website

forgot a few things written in the ffmpeg meeting notes
7. Who controls mails?
8. Who control Github FFmpeg? (see updated infra.txt)
9. Who controls DNS? Domain (see updated infra.txt )
10. Who controls FFmpeg security mailing list? (see MAINTAINERS)

Since no one mentioned it this time around, i'll repeat what was said
in the past. "ffmpeg" the name/trademark is not future proof. you cant
just call yourself FFapple, FFmicrosoft, FFsony, FFcocacola, ffDVD,
ffbluray, ffkodi, ffVLC. legally speaking. IMO, IANAL, but i've seen
enough trademark cease and desists and settlement lawsuits to reliably
make a guess who would win.

if you are looking to future proof the name of the project, pick
something else. preferably without containing a trademarked name. and
thats why , again just my opinion, worrying about fabrice owning the
domain name is not worth worrying about. we've just been lucky being
ignored for 24 some odd years.

someone just told me the other day how their project would outlive
them. because it was strong. sure i agree. ffmpeg is a weak thing. held
up with toothpicks and rubber cement. on purpose. the creator of the
project realized his liability for implementing multimedia back in
2000, and started the project under a fake name. Elvis presley has made
commits to ffmpeg. its nothing new, its nothing wrong, its just it
is what it is.

its the reason why all of the groups made of ffmpeg
developers are called "ff_____" and not "ffmpeg _____"


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