[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avcodec/libx265: Don't copy A53 closed captions by default

Andreas Rheinhardt andreas.rheinhardt at outlook.com
Tue Jun 11 11:16:47 EEST 2024

Tomas Härdin:
> tis 2024-06-11 klockan 10:05 +0200 skrev Andreas Rheinhardt:
>> Tomas Härdin:
>>> tis 2024-06-11 klockan 09:42 +0200 skrev Andreas Rheinhardt:
>>>> The SEI handling of libx265 is buggy and can easily lead
>>>> to memory corruption: It reuses certain buffers, but when
>>>> reusing them it presumes that it is enough for these buffers
>>>> to exist and does not check whether they are actually large
>>>> enough to hold what is intended to be stored in them.*
>>>> Our users are exposed to this because forwarding A53 CC data
>>>> is enabled by default. Change this to make it disabled
>>>> by default.
>>>> "Fixes" tickets #9666, #10411, #11052 and (presumably) #10906.
>>> Shouldn't users use non-buggy versions of libx26? I've had people
>>> ask
>>> about CC, and I'm sure many users would be annoyed at them suddenly
>>> breaking. I suggest complaining loudly at compile time and/or when
>>> loading libx265 instead
>> Non-buggy versions of libx265? People use what they have because it
>> exists.
> What I'm getting at is that this is libx265's responsibility, and the
> responsibility of packagers not to ship broken versions of it. Does all
> A53 CCs break with the present libx265 bug or only some?

1. There is no version of libx265 with this bug fixed (the bug itself is
2. The issue can happen when a later frame uses larger SEIs or more SEIs
than an earlier frame. Because x265 thinks that every buffer that exists
can handle an arbitrary amount of data.

- Andreas

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