[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] STF 2025

Vittorio Giovara vittorio.giovara at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 09:53:31 EEST 2024

On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 3:01 AM Cosmin Stejerean via ffmpeg-devel <
ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org> wrote:

> > Reposting my question/comment here since Thilo hasn't had a chance to
> > respond, but shouldn't these kinds of requests go through the GA? If
> > anybody can do whatever they want with the ffmpeg name, then what's the
> > point of voting and following the established process?
> Probably? I'm not actually sure what the process is for getting an FFmpeg
> booth at a conference. Is there a documented process somewhere for how this
> should be done? If not this might be a good opportunity to create one.

Agreed, do you have a draft you could share as a base of discussion? Once
defined, we could have the GA vote on it

> It might also make for a good topic of discussion at VDD. For how much
> drama there was about NAB on the list I was surprised there was zero
> discussion about it at FOSDEM.

There were probably more important topics to discuss and the lingering hope
that the problematic points would have been handled better than by calling
people trolls

> Regarding the "or you" part, I wasn't involved in securing sponsorship for
> NAB or IBC. I did volunteer to help with NAB because I happen to live in
> Vegas and I enjoy spending time with other ffmpeg developers. I'm happy to
> help at NAB next year as well should it happen again.

Noted, it should have said "or anybody willing to host/help a booth"

I have no plans to attend IBC and no involvement with the FFmpeg booth at
> IBC. I am merely trying to correct the perception that NAB was
> cost-problematic, since no money was paid by the project for NAB.

I don't think anybody is suggesting that booths are cost-problematic, but
rather they are lacking in process (one shouldn't allowed use ffmpeg name
"just because") and in scope (aka "the why" and what kind of results are
expected by investing time in said booth)

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