[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Bump minimum required version of Android to 5.0

Zhao Zhili quinkblack at foxmail.com
Thu Apr 11 16:57:24 EEST 2024

> On Apr 11, 2024, at 21:17, Tomas Härdin <git at haerdin.se> wrote:
> tor 2024-04-11 klockan 20:16 +0800 skrev Zhao Zhili:
>> We don’t have a minimum required version of Android in FFmpeg.
>> libavdevice/android_camera requires Android 7, Java MediaCodec
>> requires Android 4.1, and NDK MediaCodec requires Android 5.0.
>> Without an explicit version, it’s unclear for development and test.
>> Android 5.0 is released in 2014, is it OK to bump the minimum
>> required
>> version to Android 5.0, or any other version you prefer?
> Don't we already have stuff that detects the Android version and acts
> accordingly? Dropping 4.1 might lessen the maintenance burden though.

Check Android API level is easy. There is minimum API level requirement
in configure script as far as I know.

> I have an old phone (Samsung Galaxy S5) running the most recent
> LineageOS possible to install on it (16.0), and that uses Android 9. So
> for me bumping to version 5 sounds fine.
> Do you have any statistics on Android versions actually in use?

Search by "Android distribution chart" shows version >= 5.0 is about 99.3%.

> /Tomas
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