[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 2/3] lavf/srtdec: Permit streaming input

Tomas Härdin git at haerdin.se
Mon Apr 1 17:34:28 EEST 2024

lör 2024-03-30 klockan 17:02 +0100 skrev Andreas Rheinhardt:
> If you force reordering on our users, then this is a breaking change

Another thing that bears keeping in mind: sorting isn't consistent even
across demuxers that sort. Most sort by timestamp (SUB_SORT_TS_POS),
but vobsub sorts by byte position (SUB_SORT_POS_TS). It does this so as
to be able to merge split subtitles later, but it does then not sort by
timestamp after merging, as far as I can tell.

I'm a bit busy with other stuff in the coming days, but hopefully I
should be able to knock out a prototype by the end of the week that
still provides sorted subs when possible, except when the input is a
stream (which doesn't work now anyways).

This kind of nonsense is why being strict with input is a good idea.


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