[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avutil/csp: create public API for colorspace structs

Leo Izen leo.izen at gmail.com
Mon May 16 17:45:26 EEST 2022

On 5/15/22 12:32, Andreas Rheinhardt wrote:
> Leo Izen:
>> +/* Returns AVCOL_PRI_UNSPECIFIED if no clear match can be identified */
>> +enum AVColorPrimaries av_detect_color_primaries(const struct ColorPrimaries *prm);
>> +
>> +const struct ColorPrimaries *av_get_color_primaries(enum AVColorPrimaries prm);
>> +const struct LumaCoefficients *av_get_luma_coefficients(enum AVColorSpace csp);
>> +
>> +#endif /* AVUTIL_CSP_H */
> Is there any scenario in which these structs might need to be extended?
> This is something that we could no longer easily do if these structs
> were public.

I don't believe these will need to be extended since they're somewhat 
simple structs that are meant to contain a very specific set of data, 
not general data about a more abstract object.

- Leo Izen (thebombzen)

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