[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/5] libavdevice/avfoundation.m: use setAudioSettings, extend supported formats

Romain Beauxis toots at rastageeks.org
Wed Jan 19 17:14:25 EET 2022

Le mer. 19 janv. 2022 à 08:31, Gyan Doshi <ffmpeg at gyani.pro> a écrit :
> On 2022-01-19 07:53 pm, Romain Beauxis wrote:
> > This patch switches the logic around audio settings to let the caller drive the format.
> >
> > After experimenting with the AudioConverter, we realized that, even when adhering to a strict implementation of the documented API, we were still getting errors during conversions. The input device would randomly change from e.g. s32le to s24le between restarts and error out on conversion (using a freshly initialized converter).
>   At present, the code uses the first frame to set attributes. If you
> wait for a few frames and then probe, the attributes are stable.

How is that supposed to work to get a full A/V stream? Discarding
initial audio frames results in data loss in audio-only input and
corrupted initial audio in A/V inputs.

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