[FFmpeg-devel] Refactoring UUID functionality

Zane van Iperen zane at zanevaniperen.com
Sat Feb 5 05:16:40 EET 2022

On 21/1/22 03:45, Pierre-Anthony Lemieux wrote:
> Hi all,
> It was recently suggested that UUID functionality in the codebase
> could be refactored into a single library.
> Below is short explainer.
> I would appreciate your review/feedback before I/we start writing code.
> Best,
> -- Pierre

I have no complaints, the approach looks good.

 From what Pierre, Lynne, and myself discussed privately, basically the plan is to:
* Rip out uuid_{un,}parse() from libuuid into av_uuid_{un,}parse(), and
* Use it to dedup the existing ad-hoc UUID handling littered around the place.

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