[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 0/2] Support for stream dispositions in MP4

Jan Ekström jeebjp at gmail.com
Mon Sep 6 16:55:46 EEST 2021

On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 2:14 PM Jan Ekström <jeebjp at gmail.com> wrote:
> First patch implements the CMAF specified way of flagging what in FFmpeg
> are are called stream dispositions. Other identifiers such as HTML media track
> kinds are allowed, but if there is a DASH identifier for something, it should
> be utilized in stead.
> Second patch is a compatibility patch for one of the vendors that supports this
> feature. If this is considered a too bad of a hack, we can drop it from being
> upstreamed, but at least I wanted to bring it up :) . The compatibility mode
> is not the default, so it should also not proliferate such behavior.

Would welcome comments on the second bit, whether the second patch
idea-wise is too bad for inclusion in upstream or not.

Additionally, I note that I've been way too focused on API-changing
changes with regards to library versions (major/minor), so while I
missed this during the TTML-in-mp4 muxing addition, would this sort of
a change be good to have a micro version bump for when applying?


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