[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 01/17] avformat/mxfenc: Auto-insert h264_mp4toannexb BSF if needed

Andreas Rheinhardt andreas.rheinhardt at outlook.com
Tue Nov 9 23:07:08 EET 2021

Tomas Härdin:
> tis 2021-11-09 klockan 18:34 +0100 skrev Andreas Rheinhardt:
>> The mxf and mxf_opatom muxer expect H.264 in Annex B format.
>> Signed-off-by: Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt at outlook.com>
>> ---
>> The check here is taken from mpegtsenc.
> You didn't think to make both muxers share code instead of copy-
> pasting?

Well, I can share it. The problem is just that I didn't really know
where it belongs: mux.c? utils.c? A new file?

- Andreas

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