[FFmpeg-devel] Suggestion: Cache for seeking?

Gyan Doshi ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Tue Jul 13 13:59:18 EEST 2021

This should be posted to the ffmpeg-user list.

When you do so, share the full command line you used as well as the full 
log without -hide_banner.

On 2021-07-13 15:28, myLC at gmx.net wrote:
> When cutting a long video from the command-line using
> ffmpeg, seeking takes minutes. Since one rarely gets the
> cut-points 100% correct the first time, it does take minutes
> every time you try again with adjusted values.
> Can't ffmpeg simply keep a small cache (in tmp) providing it
> with the entry points? Just take the filename, size and time
> stamps. If the file is unchanged, the next seeking (for
> cuts) to a similar region should only take a split-second.
> There could be an option for this. If so, I suggest it
> should be on by default.


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