[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avdevice/avdevice: Deprecate AVDevice Capabilities API

James Almer jamrial at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 02:02:13 EET 2021

On 1/25/2021 8:20 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
> Mark Thompson (12021-01-25):
>> Merging the libraries (in source form, orthogonal to merging the
>> binaries) only makes sense if we are going to continue using the
>> libavformat internals, and that is exactly the thing we are trying to
>> get rid of.
> "We"?
> It seems to me that many people here have an agenda about libavdevice
> while they have no reason to.

If by agenda you mean trying to solve the hacky state of the library, 
then sure. Otherwise, please get rid of any potential slanderous 
thoughts you may be have about it, because it sounds like you may be 
having trouble distinguishing expressed personal opinions with actual 
unrelated coding efforts.

So again, focus on working with people to find a solution and a future 
for the library, in whatever form we ultimately decide is best, instead 
of attacking them for not sharing your opinions. So far, I've seen 
plenty of the latter and nothing of the former.

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