[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avformat/concatdec: add support for setting input options

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Mon Jan 25 14:50:04 EET 2021

Jan Ekström (12021-01-25):
> I knew that would be useful, but opted out of it since:
> 1. For now I didn't yet need it.

That is not a good reason.

> 2. I wanted to keep out of the actual playlist parsing code.

I know, file parsing code is not nice. But this is what needs doing.

> 3. Possible security ramifications (since we already have "safe" /
> "unsafe" playlist entries).

You are right, we need to treat options as unsave.

> It is a relatively simple extension yes, if you ignore the points 2/3.
> You have an AVDictionary per file and after initializing the
> AVDictionary in the opening function and applying global input options
> - copy the contents of the per-file options there, too.

Please, no half-baked solution.


  Nicolas George
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