[FFmpeg-devel] [V2 08/10] libavutil/hwcontext_vulkan: fix wrong offset of plane

Wenbin Chen wenbin.chen at intel.com
Tue Aug 31 10:24:28 EEST 2021

According to spec, if we use VkBindImagePlaneMemoryInfo to bind image
we mush create image with disjoint flag.
The offset in subresourcelayout is relative to the base address of
the plane, but the offset in drm is relative to the drm objectis so
I think this offset should be 0.
Also, when I import vaapi frame to vulkan I got broken frame, and
setting plane_data->offset to 0 makes command works.

Signed-off-by: Wenbin Chen <wenbin.chen at intel.com>
 libavutil/hwcontext_vulkan.c | 6 ++++--
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavutil/hwcontext_vulkan.c b/libavutil/hwcontext_vulkan.c
index 4983518a77..3a639c997b 100644
--- a/libavutil/hwcontext_vulkan.c
+++ b/libavutil/hwcontext_vulkan.c
@@ -2382,7 +2382,9 @@ static int vulkan_map_from_drm_frame_desc(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, AVVkFrame **f
             .extent.depth          = 1,
             .mipLevels             = 1,
             .arrayLayers           = 1,
-            .flags                 = VK_IMAGE_CREATE_ALIAS_BIT,
+            .flags                 = VK_IMAGE_CREATE_ALIAS_BIT |
+                                     (has_modifiers && planes > 1) ? VK_IMAGE_CREATE_DISJOINT_BIT :
+                                     0,
             .tiling                = f->tiling,
             .initialLayout         = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED, /* specs say so */
             .usage                 = frames_hwctx->usage,
@@ -2397,7 +2399,7 @@ static int vulkan_map_from_drm_frame_desc(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, AVVkFrame **f
                      hwfc->sw_format, src->width, src->height, i);
         for (int j = 0; j < planes; j++) {
-            plane_data[j].offset     = desc->layers[i].planes[j].offset;
+            plane_data[j].offset     = 0;
             plane_data[j].rowPitch   = desc->layers[i].planes[j].pitch;
             plane_data[j].size       = 0; /* The specs say so for all 3 */
             plane_data[j].arrayPitch = 0;

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