[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2] doc/git-howto: be more strict about commit message formatting.

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Mon Aug 16 16:20:32 EEST 2021

Gyan Doshi (12021-08-16):
> "Details can be added, when necessary, separated by an empty line. These
> lines should not exceed 72 characters, except when containing code."

Thanks, it is better. I have slightly amended it to:

The first line must contain the context, a colon and a very short
summary of what the commit does. Details can be added, if necessary,
separated by an empty line. These details should not exceed 60-72 characters
per line, except when containing code.

> enohgh --> enough

Fixed, thanks.

> Isn't the first line just the log message referred to above? If so, this and
> the next line and a half seem repetitive.

No, "log" is just an obsolete wording inherited from the SVN habits,
AFAIU, "log message" and "commit message" are the same thing and cover
the whole message.

I have called the first line the summary. I see some people call it the

> Seems OK. Don't mind if I rephrase, later on.

I will leave some more time then.


  Nicolas George
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