[FFmpeg-devel] Can anyone write simple "http" filter for 100$ ?

Alex 3.14pi at ukr.net
Tue Sep 8 13:58:44 EEST 2020

Hi!Can any one write simple "http" filter for ffmpeg and I'm paying for this job 100$.
Filter must accept server address, port, path, query as options. This filter, just send post request with attached raw image/frame data to the server and server will respond with new post-processed image/frame then this frame must be injected to next filter in ffmpeg filter complex. 
In other word I need to do post-processing of image/frame on remote server.
Filter must be used like so:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf scale=1920:-1,format=rgb24,http=http//,format=yuv420p  -c:v h264 -an -y out.mp4

Is it possible to use libcurl for post requests in ffmpeg filter?

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